Sustainable Plant Holder

Fall 2022

Project Title: 

Date: 5 weeks

Size: 24 x 7 x 10 in

Medium: Recycled HDPE plastic, steel wire

Problem Statement: Research on companies that pursue sustainable products and proceses. Create a plant holder that follows one of companies’ sustainable stradegy. 

Objective: To design a sustainabl plant holder that follows Loll Design’s sustainable stradigies: recycled HDPE plastics, flat packiging, and repair service by parts. 

Skills: Life Cycle Assesment(LCA), Woodworking, prototyping 

This plant holder uses drained water to irrigate the bottom plants. Following Loll Design’s sustainable strategies, it is made from recycled plastic, is easy to disassemble, and is delivered in flat packaging. 

The plant holder utilizes water drained from the top plant, so only the top part needs to be watered. This conserves water that would otherwise remain in the plant saucer. 

By pulling up the stainless steel support that connects each plant holder, it becomes easy to disassemble the holders for recycling or repair.

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