Dazzling Shadow

Spring 2023
2023 IESNYC Student Lighting Competition Award - Honorable Mention

Project Title: Dazzling Shadow

Date: 5 weeks

Size: 24 x 36 in

Medium: Plastic waste on arcrylic sheet

Problem Statement: “Circle of Light:Construct a three-dimensional study, exploring how light plays a role in the cyclical nature of life. Light has a critical function in many of life's cycles like the human circadian rhythm, the lunar phases and the changing of seasons. The cycle of light can be considered with regards to a product life cycle and the cycle of sustainability or how light engages in the circularity of life itself.”

Objective: To design a lighting that represent ‘Circle of Light’ through a relationship between ocean debris and ocean plant that requires light.

Pollution is one of the biggest issues in today’s world. Especially, ocean pollution and debris that covers the ocean surface cause impact of blocking the sunlight from sea plants which slow down their growth. The factor that interferes with light in the life cycle of the sea is waste, and 80 percent of ocean waste is plastic. 

Only 5-6 percent of the plastic in the US was recycled in 2021. Thus, the Dazzling Shadow is to turn this obstruction to flow with the cycle of nature by “Recycling” plastic with an emphasis on the function of light and the problem of pollution in nature. Dazzling Shadow suggests the irony of how we see it as a beautiful shadow while it is actually harmful to oceanic plants.

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