Bone Conduction Headset for xEMU

Spring 2024

Project Title: Bone Conduction Headset for xEMU

Date: 12 weeks

# of People: 3 people (Team Echo)

Size: 9 x 12 x 2 in

Medium: Resin, polyester fabric, ribbed band, and bone conduction transducer

Problem Statement: NASA's new spacesuit, the xEMU, features embedded speakers and a microphone, replacing the old communication cap. However, this system causes echoing issues, as audio from the speakers is picked up by the microphones. Bone conduction headphones are being tested as a solution, aiming to combine them with over-the-ear protection to safeguard astronauts' hearing from suit noise. The design must ensure clear communication and comfort during long extravehicular activities (EVA)

Objective: The objective is to design an over-the-ear bone conduction headset that protects the astronaut’s hearing from noises generated inside the space suit while allowing clear communication through an 8-hour EVA. 

Skills: Sewing, 3d modeling, 3d printing, AI illustrator, laser cutting. 

Embeded bone conduction transducer 

Cut-out Shape (Ventilation & Fit) 

Size Modularity 




Brianna Blue / Chanbin Im / Yihang Xu
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